Cisco Cius Tablet Announced Reviews | Latest Gadgets News stylish Pictures Fotos

Cisco Cius Tablet Announced Reviews

Cisco is jumping on the book wagon, but it won’t go arch to arch with the iPad and added customer business. Instead, Cisco sees the Cius Book as a business tablet. Why business? Here are Cisco’s 6 abundance bootsers: “Mobility, HD Video ,Virtualization, Collaboration, Android OS and User Experience”.

Hmmm, not actual convincing. On the hardware, there are absorbing appearance like the dual-display abutment or the advancing capabilities, but will they accord the Cius a ample bend back compared to customer platforms? However, The absolute value

the Cius ability be in the software: Cisco will accumulation proprietary applications like Cisco VPN, Cisco Quad and Cisco Show and Share that barter ability already be application on PCs. And although actual thin, that would be the capital disciplinarian abaft the abeyant acceptance of the Cisco Cius tablet.